Category Archives: Buying & Selling

Nine of the Best Fast Cars for Under £5K

car driving fastEveryone likes a bit of speed behind the wheel don’t they? Great for pulling away at junctions or getting up to pace on the dual carriageway. Some people however like a bit more oomph in their engines than others and actively seek out motoring at the tougher, more pacey end of the market.

If you’re one of those petrol heads that loves to rev the engine and feel the power under your foot but doesn’t want to spend the big bucks on a new speedster, then this article should give you some truly exciting options. We’ve scouted around the websites, auctions and markets and found some great options for top power for tighter budgets. Continue reading

18 things not to say to a car sales person

customer talking to a sales person

Thinking of buying a new car? With used prices staying high you have to put in a little effort to get the best price possible. Make the right preparations and you can ready for all the negotiation tactics the sales person can throw at you. Remember if you go forearmed with knowledge then you’ll know a great deal when you see it.

Much of the deal is decided in the negotiation. Our team has put together a list of phrases, statements and questions you need to seriously avoid during the negotiation phase to get the most for your money.

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The How to Buy A Car On eBay Guide

buy a car on eBay

From rare 50p pieces through to imitation Rod Stewart tartan trousers, you can buy almost anything on eBay. And unsurprisingly more people are turning to this popular e-Commerce platform to find a good motoring bargain.

Believe it or not eBay is actually growing in popularity as a second-hand car sales outlet and it’s also the place to go for rare motors and the so-called barn finds. With over 20 years of history, it’s a real veteran of the internet, giving it a high level of trust with all its buyers.

Like all sales outlets there are deals to be had and pitfalls to avoid – which are a whole lot easier to navigate with the aid of our handy guide.

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What is an HPI Check?

Vehicle HPI CheckNo one wants to purchase a dodgy motor. The trouble you could get into with repairs and breakdowns will soon have you tearing out your hair. There could even be other less obvious complications such unpaid fines on the vehicle or an incomplete finance scheme in the background. Fortunately, you can look back in time at any car’s legacy with the help of an HPI check. This simple information request will prevent you from falling foul of the fraudsters trying to pass off a bad car as good, and could save you a huge amount of time and stress. Continue reading

10 Great Winter Cars… That Won’t Break the Bank

car in winterDon’t be deceived. Until March is safely behind us in the rear-view mirror, we are not out of the winter’s cold grasp. When the snow comes down and the slush then freezes overnight, whole traffic systems can slow down and that’s with the support urban gritters. If you live in the country then conditions are often doubly treacherous, making motoring a potential nail biting scenario, if you could only release your cast iron grip on the steering wheel.

Of course, certain cars measure up better in cold weather than others and can add a whole new dimension to motoring in the winter. However, no-one wants to break the bank, so we thought we’d take a look at some of the best seasonal runners that can be found on the second-hand market for less than £5K. Continue reading

Dodgy Car Dealer and Seller Tricks

Car sale handshake

The used car salesman is a social stereotype that simply won’t die. Because some people will always try to sell you dodgy motors. Even though the used car lot is now a place where you’re more likely to find a good car due to online reviews and testimonials curtailing some of the more outrageous behaviour, many of the dodgy selling practices have migrated into private sales.

What are some of the more common nefarious practices? What should you avoid and what’s a big no-no sign? In this article we go through all the danger signs that come coupled with a whole load of distraction and mistruth.

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Test Driving a Used Car

Car and key in a dealership

You’ve saved up the money. You know what you want. You might have even done a little research into the makes and models that most appeal to your needs and inner motorist. Let’s face it – buying a used car is a little bit exciting. But it can be stressful too.

Last thing you want to do is waste any hard-earned cash on a good-looking jalopy that turns out to be a right old pile of rust and bolts beneath the bonnet. So, you’ve scoured the papers and have visited a couple of dealer’s yards. Now for that moment of truth. It’s the test drive – and what should you be looking out for?

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Guide to Buying Replacement Car Parts

Assortment of car parts

Cars go wrong all the time. The stresses and strains created by modern motoring on today’s vehicles means that parts naturally wear out due to no fault of the owner. Getting faulty car parts diagnosed and replaced by professional motor shops can be expensive and time consuming, so you’ll be pleased to find out there is another way. Purchasing and installing second hand car parts is now easier than ever with internet sites that link you to a network of sellers. This can help you find even the trickiest-to-source parts.

In this guide to buying second hand car parts, we give you all the information you could possibly need to find a good source of reputable parts and install them yourself.

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