Any kind of social change is always treated with a degree of resistance. However, with the changes to the weather and the loss of the polar ice caps since the 1980s, we need to start challenging the effects that fossil fuel emissions from vehicles are having on the planet. Electrical vehicles (EVs) offer humanity a chance to segue into a more environmentally sustainable mode of transport.
Rural roads are not as quiet and idyllic as you might think. You may be familiar with the difficulties presented by urban roads and their high intensity characteristics – but those smaller, winding country lanes pose a different kind of challenge altogether. Fortunately, there are some simple rules that you can follow that will help you avoid coming away from the sticks with any problems.
It’s easy to forget that windy weather can be every bit as hazardous as ice, rain, or snow. Gale force weather can often create gusts and sudden pockets of air that can catch even the most experienced driver unawares. As with all dangerous conditions – we’d always recommend that you avoid travelling in severe weather. But if you do have to make that journey in high winds, what’s the best way to stay safe?
Driving in fog is an unpleasant experience. Keeping your eyes on the road is crucial for your safety and the well-being of other road users. When there’s a mist in the air, reaction times are reduced as you’ll often be suffering from impaired visibility. Whilst fog can descend at any time of year, you’re more likely to encounter this during the autumn and winter months. How can you adjust your driving style and make the right preparations to diminish the danger?
Following on from our English and Scottish road trips, where next but Wales? These 5 trips are designed to take you through some of the most unbelievable, breath-taking countryside that the whole UK has to offer. Expect rugged, foreboding mountains, spliced by lush, green valleys and cascading waterworks. Explore little quaint villages, and modern cultural towns, as you experience some of the most challenging and rewarding driving on offer from this historic country.
When you’re out on the road, the chances of an accident are high. Every year thousands of motorists are killed on the road, and many more are left injured, having to spend time in hospital, and deal with the shock of an incident on the road.
Accidents can be linked to many factors – from carelessness to distraction and even inebriation behind the wheel. When something goes wrong on the road, there will always be contributing factors. What are the major causes of road accidents in the UK, and what can be done to reduce your chances of being at fault?
Road rage has become a common occurrence on UK roads. There has been a sharp rise in dangerous incidents in recent years. If a driver becomes enraged at you on the road – whether they have any justification or not, it can be an extremely dangerous experience that can shake even the most hardened of drivers.
We’ve already talked about how to deal with a driver that’s started tail-gating you. However, people can lose their tempers and take their road rage up a notch, making it important to know some simple techniques to help you de-escalate such an unwanted situation. Some of the following advice could ensure that you don’t have to deal with bad on the road behaviour.
Not everyone wants the hassle of going abroad. Plane trips and ferries can suck the life out of your holiday buzz, leaving you wanting another holiday when you’ve dealt with the stress of long haul travel. You’ve seen some of the best road trips available in England – but what’s on offer north of the border?
If you’re thinking of travelling around Bonny Scotland, then in our opinion these are the 6 best ultimate road trips available – from the legendary North Coast 500 to the lesser known Angus Coastal Route. You’ll find ancient geographical structures, hidden restaurants, distilleries, castles and views that will simply take your breath away. We’ve tried to find something for everyone in our choice of 6 of the best Scottish road trips…
Putting your foot down in the car to slow down, only to find your brakes aren’t working, has to be one of the scariest experiences behind the wheel of a car. Hopefully one that most people will never have to face.
Whilst most modern cars have the latest technology, safety features and are rigorously tested to prevent and warn of braking issues, it’s worth knowing what to do in case there’s a failure. So if the worst does happen, how can you quickly reduce your chances of injury and creating danger to others out there on the road?
When you live in this historic country, you don’t have to always go overseas for holidays, with the stunning natural beauty and variety of landscapes available in England. There’s everything from the beautiful flatlands surrounding the Norfolk Coast, through to some of the UK’s greatest mountain ranges, the Pennine Passes. A little bit of something for everyone.
And what better way to get out and see this charming and evocative landscape than from behind the wheel of your car. Many of the roads that run through these picturesque locations offer the chance to take in some breath-taking views, as you trundle along the remote highways, and the tarmac that sits off the beaten track.
If you’re thinking of taking a road trip around the beautiful roads of rural and coastal England, where should you go for the best sights, hideaways, walks and historic locations on offer?