Category Archives: Driving

How to Get Your Vehicle Unstuck from the Snow

Car stuck in the snow

It’s a rare year in the UK when there’s no snow whatsoever. All too often a sudden flurry or storm can take the local services by surprise, making roads treacherous and difficult. Even if the council manages to deploy the gritters at short notice, then they probably won’t touch the side roads – making it too easy to get stuck in the snow.

Some cars have a winch, to help to pull your vehicle free from deeper drifts, and the RAC, AA or even your local towing company can help free you from the powder. But if none of these are an option for you, what’s the best way to free your vehicle?

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The Unwritten Rules of the Road

rules of the road

Yes, there is the Highway Code. There’s also a set of penalties and fines that keep you on the straight and narrow when behind the wheel. But what about that unspoken code of road behaviour that’s simply not on? You know, the kind of rules that are simply about being a decent human being. For instance, no one with a shred of moral dignity would dream about diving into a car parking spot whilst someone else is backing into it. Would they?

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Common New Driver Mistakes

new driver p plate

Everyone had to learn at some point. Learning to drive is considered a major life achievement for young people and it’s never too late to get behind the wheel. Of course, once the lessons have finished and you’ve passed the test, it’s a whole different world. You can no longer rely on the sagely wisdom of your instructor, and you’re out there on your own.

What are the mistakes that can plague new drivers and more importantly, what’s our best advice for avoiding them?

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What to do if Your Car Breaks Down

Car breakdown

Being in a car can often give you the illusion of protection and invulnerability. You’re so separated from the outside world you can forget the more pertinent realities of the situation. Many people even drive their cars with warning lights lit up on the dash, or other dangerous symptoms. However, whether you know it’s coming or it arrives like a bolt from the blue, the last thing you want to deal with is a car breakdown.

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When to Use Fog Lights

Cars and fog lights

You’ve been out and met some friends. The subject of when to use fog lights has come into the conversation, and no one seems to have the answer. What do you do next? That’s right. You turned to good old Google and found this article.

We’re keen to clear up this age old argument once and for all. Many drivers do actually use their fog lights at the incorrect time, and maybe you or your friends could be one of them. Let’s settle this matter once and for all.

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Travelling with Dogs in the Car

dogs in a car

There’s a saying in show business that you should never work with children or animals. It’s because they both require special attention, and nowhere is that truer that in the back of your car. Children need entertainment and breaks whilst your dogs may need similar attention, there are definite differences. How can you best maximise your dog’s comfort, keeping it calm and undisruptive on a car journey?

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The 5 Types of Passenger You’d Rather Not Have in Your Car

types of car passenger

Legendary punk minstrel Lou Reed sang “I am a passenger” in his now iconic road melody. You’d probably rather travel with this crazed old musician than some of the characters on our list. With our oversubscribed roads now sagging under the weight of traffic, cycle lanes and completely redundant lights, the last thing you need in your car is another negative factor. Unfortunately sometimes you have to grin and bear these 5 types of passenger, who are not always the biggest pleasure to have in your car…

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How to Stop Your Car’s Interior from Overheating

cars interior overheating

Summer is most definitely on its way. Whilst the sunshine might be great whilst you’re walking on the beach or lounging in front of the pool, it’s anything but fun when you’re trapped inside a car with the inside turning into a sauna. We have previously talked about how to stop your car’s engine from overheating and looking after your air con, but how do you ensure that your car’s interior is cool, bearable and fresh during the hottest months?

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Our Spring Driving Tips…

driving in spring

You’ve noticed the nights pullling out. The weather should theoretically be hotter and better. It’s very tempting to think about the Spring as the time of year when everything starts getting that little bit easier. But don’t be fooled into believing that spring driving is safer than the winter. There’s a whole other range of dangers on the road.

First up is the changeable weather. This can catch you out with sudden downpours and glaring sun. Always be prepared when you go out to keep your wits about you. However, there are actually a number of other points that sometimes get missed. What do you need to watch out for and how can you stay out of trouble?  

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Our 10 Most Annoying Driving Habits

Annoyed driver

Getting irate behind the wheel of your car is never a good thing, but sometimes people act so erratically and stupid there is no other response than to get a little vexed. There are mistakes that drivers make that are accidental, and there are others that can only be interpreted as downright treachery. In this article we take a good look at some of the worst driving habits you’ll find on the UK’s roads today.

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