Category Archives: Maintenance

Replacing a Car’s Alternator


The alternator is used to convert rotational energy from the car’s engine into electrical power. This recharges the battery, ensuring that there is always enough current to run your vehicle’s electric circuits. Due to the large amounts of stress and friction on this part, it can go wrong or fail every 60,000 – 100,000 miles, requiring you to either visit a repair garage or replace the part yourself. This is one of the more simple tasks you can perform easily at your own property.

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Changing a Car Gearbox


The gearbox is a vital part of all car engines. It allows the driver to change the ratio by which power is applied to the car’s driving axle in its simplest form. Over time the gears and the gear trains can become worn down by repeated stress and friction causing the box to malfunction and cause problems when selecting gear. Changing a gearbox is one of the more complex tasks that you can perform in your home garage, but with a little preparation and planning it can be completed in around a working day of eight hours.

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How to Change a Car’s Clutch

23022015-clutch -header-imageThere are many tell-tale signs that your car’s clutch is on its way out. The clutch may feel spongy during operation, requiring you to let it out more than normal whilst you change gear. A burning smell also can indicate that there is excess friction caused by a slipping clutch or you may simply have experienced a huge amount of difficulty in changing gear. Whatever the reason behind your failing clutch, you can change this part yourself with a sufficient amount of mechanical knowledge and the right tools. This step by step guide goes through the basic fundamentals of performing this procedure Continue reading

The Most Commonly Replaced Car Parts

What are the most commonly replaced car parts? With the huge forces created in your combustion engine and by travelling at speed, it is no wonder that the components of today’s cars wear out. Certain parts wear out faster than others and there can be extenuating factors such as environmental considerations that can lead to a reduced lifespan. Our list takes a look at which parts are most prone to wear and likely to need swapping out.

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Checking your Car’s Brake Fluid

brake fluid

Brake fluid plays a vital role in your car. This liquid transfers the force of the driver’s foot on the brake pedal through to the disc brakes. It uses a system of tubes and pressure, a little like those that you might find on a hydraulic piston, to operate all the brakes simultaneously. It is imperative that you have the right level of brake fluid in your car. If you do not have enough fluid then this may mean that you cannot reach the required levels of pressure in your system to safely operate your car’s brakes.

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Checking and Adding Fluid to Power Steering

power-steeringPower steering aids drivers by providing a level of power and support to the steering process, augmenting the effort supplied by the driver. This is usually automated via a system of hydraulics that uses a power steering pump and reservoir, which sits on the engine. The fluid within the hydraulics is then applied to the steering gear through a set of hoses, and the pressure is used to reduce the amount of force needed to successfully steer the vehicle. Continue reading

Checking and replacing your Car’s Shock Absorbers

Shock AbsorberShock absorbers form an essential part of your car’s suspension system. They are mechanical devices that are used to smooth out bumps and impacts from the road surface that could affect you and your passengers. They work by converting the kinetic energy generated from the movement of the wheels into easily dissipated thermal energy. Continue reading