Our 10 Most Annoying Driving Habits

Annoyed driver

Getting irate behind the wheel of your car is never a good thing, but sometimes people act so erratically and stupid there is no other response than to get a little vexed. There are mistakes that drivers make that are accidental, and there are others that can only be interpreted as downright treachery. In this article we take a good look at some of the worst driving habits you’ll find on the UK’s roads today.

1. The Lights

Staring into full beams is one of the worst experiences any driver can undergo short of crashing. Being that little late on the lever is incredibly dangerous and really irritating as it takes your vision quite a bit of time to adjust back and allow you to see the road normally once again. Add those who fail to dip their headlights properly onto the list and the only thing these people won’t be lighting up is a smile on your face.

2. Undertaking

Everyone knows how to use the dual carriageways and motorways. And they’re expecting people to overtake on the right hand side. It’s what they’re looking out for – and although they should pay attention when crossing lanes it really doesn’t help if there’s some idiot on the road who has decided to do a bit of undertaking.  We know it’s hard for some people out there but remember you are not the centre of the world and sometimes, just sometimes, people are not focusing on what you’re doing. 

3. Speeding

There’s a law and there’s a limit. It’s for your own good, helping keep you safe from serious accidents. If you’re speeding it’s harder for other drivers to judge your movements and you’re more likely to have problems if something unexpected happens on the road. Do we really have to spell out to you how annoying and dangerous speeding can be?

Speed camera

4. No Thank You?

There are so few manners left with modern drivers it’s important that you give thanks where thanks are due. Nothing is more frustrating than allowing someone to pull out or waiting for them at the end of a queue of parked cars, only for them to not even give you a cursory wave to acknowledge your good deed. If someone has gone out of their way to make your journey that little bit easier, isn’t a flash of hand the least you can do?

5. Cut You Up

One of the worst offences on our list has to be the dreaded cutting in at the last minute, when you realise you’re not quite on the course you wanted. It doesn’t matter if you indicate or wave your hand around in the air or flash your lights. You almost caused an accident. It’s bad enough if you do it whilst driving around the urban streets and even worse on the bigger roads. Take some responsibility for your own mistake and take the next turning.

6. Mobile Phones

This one is not only annoying, but down right dangerous. No one can stand the crotch watching drivers who are always 2 seconds too late pulling away at the lights. It’s all very silly in slow moving urban traffic, but we have also seen people checking phones at full speed on the dual carriageway. Do everyone a favour and only start with your social media when your engine has stopped.

7. Bad Parking

Is there some kind of special rule where the bigger your SUV or the more expensive your sports car – the more badly you’re allowed to park it? From parking across the lines in a car park to leaving the vehicle sticking out when parallel parking there’s no excuse for this bad behaviour. It’s even worse when people decide to take their own hot moment parking holding up queues of traffic in the streets. If it’s that bad take some more lessons or get a car with a computer that can park for you.

8. Indicator Issues

The biggest problem with indicators is drivers simply not using them. It seems that in the last 20 years indicators have gone from an essential part of road safety, informing other drivers of your intention on the road, to a rough guideline of what you might do next. The worst behaviour however is when drivers indicate because they believe it gives them immediate right of way on the road – which of course it doesn’t – and it can be wonderful at times to see their faces as they realise this fact.

9. Tail-Gating

We get it. You want to go somewhere and get there at the fastest speed possible. But there’s another three cars in front of us and the only place you might get to quicker is accidental central if there’s a sudden need to brake. You must have heard the words only a fool breaks the 2 second rule, and with stopping distances increased in the wet, you have to ask yourself, are you a fool?

10. Driving Slowly

If we are going to include tail-gating then it’s only fair to include its sworn nemesis of the Sunday afternoon slow driver. It might have been OK to doddle round when there were only ever 3 cars on the road back in the early 1970s, but now people have places to be and things to see. Driving too slowly is dangerous and causes tailbacks, which increases the chances of accidents. Do everyone a favour and drive at the required speed limit. This is even worse on the motorway. Don’t hog the fast lane unless you intend to drive quickly.

And Finally…

Remember although you may encounter all kinds of crazy behaviour when out on the roads, it’s vital that you keep your cool. We all know there are idiots out there on the highway, but the last thing you want to do is get agitated and in a state of stress where you’re more likely to have an accident. Preserve your chill above all else when out on the roads.

This entry was posted in Driving and tagged on by Justin Smith.

About Justin Smith

As the man at the helm of BreakerLink, it is no surprise that its Director, Justin Smith, has always had a keen interest in cars, bikes and most things wheeled. Having spent over two decades in the car parts industry, Justin combines his passion that since 2002, has successfully united those looking for new and used car parts with the breaker that supplies them. Follow Justin on LinkedIn.

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