There are many ways that your car’s windscreen can be damaged. Small stones sometimes fly up off the road and cause cracks or a collision with a bird could take out the glass completely. Whatever the reason you need to change your windscreen, this is one of the simpler jobs around the garage. Anyone with a modicum of mechanical knowledge should be able to work through this easy step by step guide.
You will need: Masking tape, paper, sharp knife, screwdriver, sealant, cloth and an assistant for reattaching the windscreen.
Detach Parts
Before you install the replacement windscreen, the first job is to remove any parts that could get in the way. This includes the windscreen wipers and rear-view mirrors. Also cover up the heater and air vents with masking tape and newspaper to prevent small objects from falling into them whilst the car has no windscreen. Place any component parts in a safe place and if necessary mark them with chalk to be sure of their position.
Check Windscreen Rubber
Next you’ll need to check the windscreen rubber around the window for damage. If it’s cracked or withered then it will need replacing along with the windscreen. Alternatively to remove an intact windscreen rubber, simply use a sharp object to make an incision in the top corner and gently run a flat knife or screwdriver around the frame to lift it away from the windscreen.
Remove Glass
All that’s holding the windscreen in place now is the weight of the glass against the frame. You should be able to move this by simply pushing the part from inside the car. However, due to the cramped space in your vehicle you may want to enlist the help of two more people in completing this task. The glass is quite heavy and could shatter on removal. Let one person in the car push the windscreen out of position and then the other two people can manoeuvre the glass away from the car without scratching the bonnet.
Ready the Frame and Glass
Now you need to clean the frame to remove any dirt and rust. Place the old windscreen rubber or the new replacement around the edge of the glass, ensuring that the inside of the windscreen rubber is in line with the outside edge of the windscreen. Next you’ll need to apply your sealant to the outside edge of the windscreen rubber ready for it to be moved into place.
Fit the Windscreen
Again you will most likely need some help fixing the windscreen into place due to the weight and size of the part. Gently lay the windscreen back into the frame and press it firmly into place around the frame. As you do this make sure that the windscreen rubber it snugly in place all the way round the edge of the windscreen and finally use a cloth to carefully wipe away any excess sealant. Finally you’ll want to then wait for the sealant to completely dry and you will able to drive off your car with a new windscreen.