The Safe Way for Drivers to Handle Cyclists

car overtaking a cyclist

Riders on bikes are more vulnerable  than when you’re driving your car. They don’t have that hard, metal shell keeping the outside world at bay for protection. Many drivers have trouble keeping their eyes open for bike riders. And as a result of this situation most accidents involving cyclists are caused by car drivers.

Some of the main reasons behind accidents involving cyclists, include failing to look properly before turning at junctions and/or roundabouts, speeding, distractions (such as conversing in the car or checking a mobile phone), tight overtaking and even opening doors into traffic without checking properly.

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From Speed Limits to Knowing Your Limits – Keeping It Legal

speed limit sign on UK road

Is the legal speed limit 30mph or 40mph in a built up area? Is it 60mph or 70mph on a single carriageway when you see the national speed limit applies sign?

It can be easy for you to forget the national speed restrictions, particularly if you drive familiar roads and don’t venture out of this comfort zone. Also limits can change, and if you’re not paying attention, you could miss the signs.

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How to Pass Horses Safely

horses riding on a village road

As the evenings get lighter, and we begin to see changes in weather over the spring and summer months, you’ll see more horses out on the country roads. Most horse riders understandably prefer to be out in the fields or the paddock, but may take to the roads out of necessity due to the lack of off-road options.

With a little understanding and consideration, there’s no reason why cars and horses can’t use the road together in harmony. Horse riders have the same rights as any other vehicle users, such as cyclists, motorbike riders and car drivers. 

How can you make sure that your driving style and behaviour doesn’t rattle a horse or the rider, when you encounter them riding out on the open road?

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Why Does Your Car’s Engine Stall?

man inspecting a car after a stall

Unless you are still a novice driver, you should not really be stalling your vehicle (save for the occasional moment where your motoring skills suddenly go on holiday). But if your car starts regularly stalling, then you may have an underlying problem with the air flow, fuel system or electrics.  

And when stalls happen on the open road they can be downright dangerous. What’s worse is that they’re always unexpected; stalls come with no warning signs. The check engine light doesn’t illuminate on the dash board and no signs come out of the engine. You could even be motoring on quite dandily and then bang out of nowhere, the stall happens. 

If you are experiencing stalls on a regular basis when you’re on the road, then you may want to get the car checked out.

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Avoiding Driver Stress – Keeping Calm Behind the Wheel

driver showing signs of stress

Many of us have been victims of road rage. Traffic jams, aggressive driving and bad handling can give you that feeling like your blood is about to boil. When you are more stressed behind the wheel, this is likely to increase the risk of you having an accident. Stay cool and in the best frame of mind with our tips for remaining calm on the road:

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Motorway Myths – Falsehoods from the Fast Lane

UK motorway with cars in lanes

There’s lots of confusion about motorway rules. Especially if you don’t use motorways often or you’re new to driving.

At BreakerLink we love to bust driving falsehoods and get to the truth of the matter. To ensure you’re doing the right thing on the motorway, we bust some of the more well-known myths and falsehoods, hopefully giving you a clear picture of what you can and can’t do…

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Stay Safe – Simple Rules for Avoiding Car Park Accidents

two cars in a car park accident

Cars are getting bigger. Spaces are getting smaller. Car parks are overcrowded. Parking a car can be a nightmare, especially at 3.30pm on a Sunday afternoon, when everybody’s popping out to grab some bread, milk or a bottle of wine that they’ve forgotten. In the past, we’ve discussed what steps you need to take if you are involved in a car park accident… But as prevention is better than cure, how can you avoid one?

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Oil Myths – What’s True and What’s Not…

motor oil being poured into an engine

You know oil is essential for your car. It’s right up there with water and coolant. And getting your oil management wrong can be fatal to various parts of the engine. If you leave it too long, then you could be looking at all manner of problems from early fatigue to at worst, total engine failure. However, as with many things in life, if you’re relying on anecdotal information from friends and family, without mechanical experience, you could come a real cropper.

Fortunately, the team at BreakerLink has put our heads together, and come up with a quick breakdown (see what we did there) of what’s right, and what’s not so right, about some of the common oil myths you might hear doing the rounds.

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Pooch Proof the Peugeot – Ensuring Your Dog doesn’t Wreck your Car

dog sitting on seat cover for dogs

Man’s best friend. Dogs equal great walks in the countryside. And they can travel in the back of the car. Of course, if you’re a long time follower of our blog, you’ll know we love our animals and have given you advice in the past about protecting both you and your hound in transit. But with muddy feet, smelly dogs and even water finding their way into your car, after a good romp out down a National trust park or at the beach – how can you better protect the other essential best friend in your life – your vehicle?

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Who’s that in the Rear View Mirror? Dealing with Tailgaters

a car tailgating a van

Give people space. Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule. And have you seen how much braking distances are impacted by the wet, snow and ice? Doesn’t matter. People still love to tailgate.

However much of a rush you might be in, this is annoying at best, and at worst, downright dangerous. And could lead to a severe crash if someone has to brake suddenly. So what’s the safest and most sane way to deal with tailgating drivers?  

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