Driving Tired – When Drowsy Equals Danger

tired driver

Driving drunk is a big no-no. Many people won’t drive when ill. But you may be shocked to find out that driving when you’re tired can be almost as dangerous.

With one in six crashes now being linked to driver fatigue, this is too significant a problem not to notice. As police can’t check for tiredness with a simple breath test – as with alcohol – it’s up to us all to ensure that we don’t get behind the wheel when we should be hitting the hay.

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What to Do if You Have a Car Accident?

reporting a car accident

No one wants to have a crash. But as the saying goes accidents do happen. And the more you’re out on the road, the more likely it is that you’ll either make an error of judgement, or perhaps be on the receiving end of someone else’s.

If you are involved in a crash the number one rule is to stay calm and cool. It’s a high pressure situation where people are likely to be shocked, scared and even a little angry. However, with some  preparation and fore-knowledge it’s possible to make this bad situation more than bearable. Consider the following information:

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13 Signs Your Car’s Cam Belt could be Failing

cam belt on a car

Replacing your cam belt is a vital part of your car’s maintenance schedule. Leave it to break, and you could cause untold damage to the rest of the car. If it fails, then the knock on effects can cause the engine’s pistons and valves to collide. Your car will break down, and it’s likely that the repair bill will be very hefty.

Yes, replacing the cam belt comes in at a significant cost. Which is why people might choose to ignore the warning signs. Remember however, that a written off engine is far more problematic.

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Dealing with Skids – Staying in Control

car in a skid on a sign

Skids are more likely to occur when there is a loss of friction and therefore traction on the roads. Snow, ice and water can cause a lack of proper grip on the tarmac causing your car to slip and slide.

Throw understeer, oversteer, acceleration and braking into the mix and you could have difficulty controlling your vehicle. When this happens it’s vital you remain calm. Even if you can’t avoid an accident, you can reduce the danger to yourself and others – by taking remedial action.

How can you avoid getting into a skid – and more importantly, what can you do if you should find yourself in one of the two different types of skid, oversteer or understeer?

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How to Clean Your Car’s Fuel Injectors

fuel injectors in a car

Your fuel injectors are a vital part of the engine. As part of the main combustion system, they deliver fuel into the pistons, ensuring there’s enough fuel to drive your vehicle forward as you depress the accelerator. `

To keep the injectors in tip top condition they have to be cleaned from time to time. You might even find that with some complaints such as lit check engine lights and maintenance problems can actually be solved by unclogging your injectors before you embark on a costly course of replacement fuel injector. This bodes the question – what’s the best way to get them clean?

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How to Get Your Vehicle Unstuck from the Snow

car stuck in the snow

It’s a rare year in the UK when there’s no snow whatsoever. All too often a sudden flurry or storm can take the local services by surprise, making roads treacherous and difficult. Even if the council manages to deploy the gritters at short notice, then they probably won’t touch the side roads – making it too easy to get stuck in the snow.

Some cars have a winch, to help to pull your vehicle free from deeper drifts, and the RAC, AA or even your local towing company can help free you from the powder. But if none of these are an option for you, what’s the best way to free your vehicle?

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Signs that Your Car’s Head Gasket is Failing

head gasket on an engine

Your head gasket is a vital part of the engine. If it’s not working as the manufacturer intended then this can lead to bigger problems. You’ll find this critical seal between the engine block and the cylinder heads. It should be typically made of steel or copper, although some manufacturers use graphite and there are even asbestos gaskets in older cars.

The gasket helps ensure that the engine remains fully pressurised during the combustion process. Remember that the dynamic release of energy when fuel is ignited drives the pistons – so any drop in pressure means a drop in power. Oil and coolant are also supplied to the engine through the gasket, which means that problems with the part could lead to cross contamination between the two fluids – a problematic scenario for any engine.

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The Unwritten Rules of the Road

rules of the road

Yes, there is the Highway Code. There’s also a set of penalties and fines that keep you on the straight and narrow when behind the wheel. But what about that unspoken code of road behaviour that’s simply not on? You know, the kind of rules that are simply about being a decent human being. For instance, no one with a shred of moral dignity would dream about diving into a car parking spot whilst someone else is backing into it. Would they?

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Common New Driver Mistakes

new driver p plate

Everyone had to learn at some point. Learning to drive is considered a major life achievement for young people and it’s never too late to get behind the wheel. Of course, once the lessons have finished and you’ve passed the test, it’s a whole different world. You can no longer rely on the sagely wisdom of your instructor, and you’re out there on your own.

What are the mistakes that can plague new drivers and more importantly, what’s our best advice for avoiding them?

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Signs You Car’s Wheel Bearings Are Failing

wheel hub bearing

Wheel bearings on older cars used to make a load of noise when they started having problems. These searing sonics would alert you to problems with the part and you could have them looked at before they became a major issue. Now, with all the soundproofing on the modern motor, it can be tough to distinguish bearing problems from tyre noise. However, if there’s a rumbling or grinding, accompanied by wobbling steering or uneven wear on your tyres – then wheel bearings could be to blame. In this article we go through some of the main danger signs.

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