Everyone knows driving costs cash. Getting the most for your money is not only important when you’re buying a car, it’s also vital when you’re out on the road. With rising fuel costs and the pound in your pocket constantly shrinking – what are the best cars to get if you want to avoid shelling out the big bucks on repairs and fuel? These are our top 5 cars – listed in reverse order – that should help you save petrol, money and benefit from a cleaner, greener ride.
Continue readingHow to Stop Your Car’s Interior from Overheating
Summer is most definitely on its way. Whilst the sunshine might be great whilst you’re walking on the beach or lounging in front of the pool, it’s anything but fun when you’re trapped inside a car with the inside turning into a sauna. We have previously talked about how to stop your car’s engine from overheating and looking after your air con, but how do you ensure that your car’s interior is cool, bearable and fresh during the hottest months?
Continue reading10 Best Used City Cars for Under £5k
Thinking of getting a new city car? These little motors won’t break the bank and have what it takes to navigate and manoeuvre around the tight urban streets. Each one has been selected for looks, performance and reliability. So in reverse order, leading up to our favourite pick – here is our top ten city cars:
Continue readingBest Used Family Cars for Under £5,000
Money is always tight, especially when you have a growing, young family. Getting a flash sports car or speedy motor is no longer the priority it once was in your more formative years.
Fortunately there are still some wonderful choices of car out there, even for motorists on a budget, so in this article we review some of the best used family cars you can find for under £5K.
Continue readingOur Spring Driving Tips…
You’ve noticed the nights pullling out. The weather should theoretically be hotter and better. It’s very tempting to think about the Spring as the time of year when everything starts getting that little bit easier. But don’t be fooled into believing that spring driving is safer than the winter. There’s a whole other range of dangers on the road.
First up is the changeable weather. This can catch you out with sudden downpours and glaring sun. Always be prepared when you go out to keep your wits about you. However, there are actually a number of other points that sometimes get missed. What do you need to watch out for and how can you stay out of trouble?
Continue readingSigns that Your ABS Pump is Failing
An ABS pump is a vital part of many modern braking systems. In previous articles we have discussed how you can replace your ABS pump – but what are the sure signs it needs changing?
Continue readingGone to Pot? Confused.com Reveals Just How Far the UK’s Pothole Problem Goes
Everyone’s had to deal with it. Driving down the road and feeling that awful bump as you collide with a pot hole. Your mind immediately goes to the potential cost of fixing the suspension, or worse still, replacing a wishbone. But exactly how bad has the issue of our dodgy roads become in the UK?
Continue readingHow to Replace Your Air Conditioning Low Pressure Switch
Your car’s air conditioning system has two switches that protect the compressor and the refrigeration circuit. The low pressure switch turns the system off when the pressure is too low to prevent damage to the compressor. Like all parts of your vehicle it has a limited lifespan. If you are suffering from problems like an intermittent response from the AC unit when you turn it on, a lack of cooling or an outright failure of the system then the problem could be a faulty low pressure switch.
Continue readingHow to repair minor scratches on car’s paint job
When you are driving it is inevitable that small stones will fly up and cause damage to your paint job. Big scratches and dints take specialist skills in the spray booth to resolve, especially when your paint has faded.
However, if the damage is smaller than a 50p piece then it is possible that you can use touch up paint to save yourself the costs of a professional job. Obviously the results may not have that fine finish, but with our simple to use guide you can achieve a passible look all on your own.
Continue reading7 Signs Your Wheels Need Aligning
What causes wheels to go out of alignment? It doesn’t always have to be a knock or prang. Wheels can simply stray as you drive over rough surfaces and speed bumps. However if you hit a pothole or bump a kerb whilst at speed it can severely throw out your alignment.
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