10 Signs That Your Catalytic Convertor is Failing

catalytic convertor

Catalytic convertors are an essential car component that works to reduce the amount of harmful emissions that come out of your car’s engine. This metal canister operates as a fixed part of the exhaust system and uses a chemical catalyst to remove pollution from the engine’s exhaust gasses making them dramatically less harmful.

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How to Avoid Buying a Flood Damaged Vehicle

flood damaged vehicle

Some areas in the UK are prone to drastic flooding. We’re not talking about a big puddle here, but rather rivers breaking and metre high waters that hang around for days. Expose a car to this kind of wetness and it’s going to get in every single space and cause some serious damage.

It’s not enough to simply give the car a good airing or replace the carpets and upholstery. There’s a real need to look beyond cosmetic damage as flood water can impact the performance of the brakes, starter motors, catalytic converters as well as running havoc with the electrics.

Flood damaged cars are dangerous. It’s that simple. However, unscrupulous sellers will try to cover up problems caused by flood waters – so here’s how to make sure you don’t get lumbered with a compromised vehicle that’s been previously submerged.

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The 7 Signs That Could Mean Your Throttle Body Needs Cleaning

throttle body needs cleaning

In modern fuel injected cars, the throttle body is an essential part of the air intake system, controlling the flow of air into the engine, which is used to effectively combust fuel in the pistons. Getting the right amount of air is vital. Too much air or too little air can make your engine run lean.

When the throttle body is working correctly, it is synchronized with the fuel intake and the accelerator pedal. Put the pedal down and the flow of fuel is increased into the engine and the throttle body pulls in extra air to aid combustion, allowing your vehicle to perform at the best level and run smoothly.

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The Signs Your Power Steering is Failing – And How to Fix Them…

car power steering

Power steering is a great invention. Without it, turning your car’s steering wheel would be quite hard work, especially when driving slowly. It’s hydraulics and electrics are designed to support your efforts in the driving seat, keeping you free from fatigue and making the car’s drive an altogether more promising experience.

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How to Repair a Small Window Scratch

repairing a windscreen scratch

Scratches in your windscreen are more than annoying. They can also impact your clarity of vision and stop you from ascertaining full visibility on the road. A small scratch can lead to a big crack that can only be fixed by a costly replacement, meaning that it seriously pays to mend a small scratch before it turns into a big bill.

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The 5 Most Economical Cars for Under £5K

economical cars

Everyone knows driving costs cash. Getting the most for your money is not only important when you’re buying a car, it’s also vital when you’re out on the road. With rising fuel costs and the pound in your pocket constantly shrinking – what are the best cars to get if you want to avoid shelling out the big bucks on repairs and fuel? These are our top 5 cars – listed in reverse order – that should help you save petrol, money and benefit from a cleaner, greener ride.

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How to Stop Your Car’s Interior from Overheating

cars interior overheating

Summer is most definitely on its way. Whilst the sunshine might be great whilst you’re walking on the beach or lounging in front of the pool, it’s anything but fun when you’re trapped inside a car with the inside turning into a sauna. We have previously talked about how to stop your car’s engine from overheating and looking after your air con, but how do you ensure that your car’s interior is cool, bearable and fresh during the hottest months?

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10 Best Used City Cars for Under £5k

blue model car on piles of coins

Thinking of getting a new city car? These little motors won’t break the bank and have what it takes to navigate and manoeuvre around the tight urban streets. Each one has been selected for looks, performance and reliability. So in reverse order, leading up to our favourite pick – here is our top ten city cars:

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Best Used Family Cars for Under £5,000

family sitting in a car

Money is always tight, especially when you have a growing, young family. Getting a flash sports car or speedy motor is no longer the priority it once was in your more formative years.

Fortunately there are still some wonderful choices of car out there, even for motorists on a budget, so in this article we review some of the best used family cars you can find for under £5K.

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Our Spring Driving Tips…

driving in spring

You’ve noticed the nights pullling out. The weather should theoretically be hotter and better. It’s very tempting to think about the Spring as the time of year when everything starts getting that little bit easier. But don’t be fooled into believing that spring driving is safer than the winter. There’s a whole other range of dangers on the road.

First up is the changeable weather. This can catch you out with sudden downpours and glaring sun. Always be prepared when you go out to keep your wits about you. However, there are actually a number of other points that sometimes get missed. What do you need to watch out for and how can you stay out of trouble?  

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