All is Not Well Under the Bonnet: 7 Engine Symptoms You Don’t Want to avoid

car engine under a bonnet

Engines are the powerful centre of your car. You put your foot down, fuel surges into the cylinder heads and away you go. However, despite its importance, it’s all too easy to overlook problems with the engine, and turn a blind eye to some of the warning signs. Left unchecked, many of these can lead to a breakdown (leaving you stranded miles from home) or worse still, to a bank-balance breaking repair bill. In the most extreme cases engine problems can leave the car beyond viable repair – which then means you’ve got to go to the trouble of spending time finding and shelling out your hard-earned cash on a new vehicle.

To avoid the hassle and expense of experiencing engine failure, watch out for these minor and major warning signs to keep the costs of repair down.

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Less Miles for More Cash? The Biggest Reasons Why Your Car could be Suffering from Poor Fuel Economy

refueling a car after poor economy

Is your car slurping up more fuel that normal? Have you noticed that you’ve had to fill up more frequently and the same routine journeys are starting to cost more in fuel? Even though this might be hurting you in the wallet, poor fuel economy is about more than just the cash. It could be a sign of deeper issues with your car.

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Seeing Isn’t Always Believing – Driving In Foggy Conditions

car driving in fog

Driving in fog is an unpleasant experience. Keeping your eyes on the road is crucial for your safety and the well-being of other road users. When there’s a mist in the air, reaction times are reduced as you’ll often be suffering from impaired visibility. Whilst fog can descend at any time of year, you’re more likely to encounter this during the autumn and winter months. How can you adjust your driving style and make the right preparations to diminish the danger?

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Buyer Beware – How to Avoid Purchasing a Second-Hand Car that might have been in an Accident…

inspecting a car for damage

Yes, buying a used car will save you money. However, the greater the age of your potential purchase; the more chance it’s been in an accident.

Less than honest car dealers often have a masters degree in hiding the signs of damage after an accident. However, a quick makeover is often significantly easier than a proper repair, meaning there are tons of tell-tale signs to watch out for, if you want to make sure a second-hand car hasn’t been in a serious prang.

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Disproved: Popular Car Maintenance Myths

mechanic carrying out vehicle maintenance

As car’s become more advanced, some of the older rules that were applicable to car maintenance schedules are no longer true. However, because many of these are passed around via word of mouth, they can take quite a time to disappear from common culture.

Follow the wrong advice, and there’s a real-life implication. You could find yourself stumping up cash for unnecessary costs or reducing your vehicle’s performance. Worse still you could end up doing some serious damage to car parts that leaves you requiring replacements, and a mechanic’s bill for labour.

What are some of the best-known car maintenance myths that are simply no longer true?

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Loss of Power – Is It Time You Purchased a New Car Battery?

testing a car battery

From old fashioned headlights and windscreen wipers, through to onboard computer systems and ABS braking; today’s car is packed with electrical systems. Just like mobile phone apps that put a lot of strain on your phone’s battery, these systems may cause your car battery to run out faster and stop working.

Last thing you want is for the battery to give up the ghost on a cold February morning, when you need to get to work (or somewhere worse, such as the airport on time). Thankfully, with a little vigilance, you can be aware of your battery coming to the end of its lifespan, as there are usually a few give-away signs.

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Don’t Ignore These 9 Signs that Your Car Needs a Service

Mechanic performing a service on a car

Cars are complex, technical machines that needs to be properly looked after. Part of any maintenance schedule should be regular service checks, where parts can be inspected and changed if necessary. Whilst some services, particularly for more high-end vehicles, can be expensive, they will save you money in the long run, preventing breakdowns, and increasing your chances of passing an MOT.

So, if you’re wondering about those strange noises or some weird car behaviour, then this is the list for you. And if you’re currently on a tight budget, and don’t want to drop money on a service for no reason, then use this list to check for where issues could be getting to the point where avoiding a service could potentially cost you more…

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5 of the Best Road Trips You can Travel in Wales

flag of Wales flying on a pole

Following on from our English and Scottish road trips, where next but Wales? These 5 trips are designed to take you through some of the most unbelievable, breath-taking countryside that the whole UK has to offer. Expect rugged, foreboding mountains, spliced by lush, green valleys and cascading waterworks. Explore little quaint villages, and modern cultural towns, as you experience some of the most challenging and rewarding driving on offer from this historic country.

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What are the 7 Main Causes of Road Accidents in the UK?

two cars crashing

When you’re out on the road, the chances of an accident are high. Every year thousands of motorists are killed on the road, and many more are left injured, having to spend time in hospital, and deal with the shock of an incident on the road.

Accidents can be linked to many factors – from carelessness to distraction and even inebriation behind the wheel. When something goes wrong on the road, there will always be contributing factors. What are the major causes of road accidents in the UK, and what can be done to reduce your chances of being at fault?

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Another Driver Has Road Rage… And I’m the Target. 10 Things You Should do Next

driver showing signs of road rage

Road rage has become a common occurrence on UK roads. There has been a sharp rise in dangerous incidents in recent years. If a driver becomes enraged at you on the road – whether they have any justification or not, it can be an extremely dangerous experience that can shake even the most hardened of drivers.

We’ve already talked about how to deal with a driver that’s started tail-gating you.  However, people can lose their tempers and take their road rage up a notch, making it important to know some simple techniques to help you de-escalate such an unwanted situation. Some of the following advice could ensure that you don’t have to deal with bad on the road behaviour.

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