Tag Archives: cars

10 Great Winter Cars… That Won’t Break the Bank

car in winterDon’t be deceived. Until March is safely behind us in the rear-view mirror, we are not out of the winter’s cold grasp. When the snow comes down and the slush then freezes overnight, whole traffic systems can slow down and that’s with the support urban gritters. If you live in the country then conditions are often doubly treacherous, making motoring a potential nail biting scenario, if you could only release your cast iron grip on the steering wheel.

Of course, certain cars measure up better in cold weather than others and can add a whole new dimension to motoring in the winter. However, no-one wants to break the bank, so we thought we’d take a look at some of the best seasonal runners that can be found on the second-hand market for less than £5K. Continue reading

New Green Cars for 2015


Green motoring is an increasingly hot topic for all motorists in the UK. With vehicle emissions still contributing a large percentage of all CO2 emissions, every car owner can play their part in helping to reduce the amount of pollution produced by their vehicle. Manufacturers are aware of this trend and we are now seeing a rise in the number of different green cars available, so which of these are tagged for success in 2015? Continue reading

Five of the UK’s Best Green Cars

Green car among other vehicles

Go back two decades and green cars were blue-sky thinking. Whilst scientists pushed the technology of the time to its limits to see if they could make solar-powered cars that could travel vast distances in desert climes, such innovations seemed a lifetime away from the UK’s roads, especially when electric cars only ever seemed to promise a fraction of the power of their petrol-driven cousins. However, in the last five years this situation has changed considerably, and the demand for a cleaner, greener generation of vehicles has shaped the industry, with many of the top manufacturers now offering some serious environmentally friendly cars.

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