Tag Archives: electrics

Replacing a Car’s Alternator


The alternator is used to convert rotational energy from the car’s engine into electrical power. This recharges the battery, ensuring that there is always enough current to run your vehicle’s electric circuits. Due to the large amounts of stress and friction on this part, it can go wrong or fail every 60,000 – 100,000 miles, requiring you to either visit a repair garage or replace the part yourself. This is one of the more simple tasks you can perform easily at your own property.

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Looking after your car battery


Batteries provide the essential power to a car’s spark plugs in order to start the engine. Whilst a failing battery will not generally result in your car breaking down on the road, it will prevent your vehicle from being started. We’d always advise that you do a quick visual inspection of your battery any time you open the bonnet of your car to check the oil, top up brake fluid or refill the car’s water tank. This way you should be able to anticipate any problems with the battery before they happen, preventing that awkward moment in the morning where your car won’t start. Continue reading