Tag Archives: safety

Avoiding Driver Stress – Keeping Calm Behind the Wheel

driver showing signs of stress

Many of us have been victims of road rage. Traffic jams, aggressive driving and bad handling can give you that feeling like your blood is about to boil. When you are more stressed behind the wheel, this is likely to increase the risk of you having an accident. Stay cool and in the best frame of mind with our tips for remaining calm on the road:

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Motorway Myths – Falsehoods from the Fast Lane

UK motorway with cars in lanes

There’s lots of confusion about motorway rules. Especially if you don’t use motorways often or you’re new to driving.

At BreakerLink we love to bust driving falsehoods and get to the truth of the matter. To ensure you’re doing the right thing on the motorway, we bust some of the more well-known myths and falsehoods, hopefully giving you a clear picture of what you can and can’t do…

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Stay Safe – Simple Rules for Avoiding Car Park Accidents

two cars in a car park accident

Cars are getting bigger. Spaces are getting smaller. Car parks are overcrowded. Parking a car can be a nightmare, especially at 3.30pm on a Sunday afternoon, when everybody’s popping out to grab some bread, milk or a bottle of wine that they’ve forgotten. In the past, we’ve discussed what steps you need to take if you are involved in a car park accident… But as prevention is better than cure, how can you avoid one?

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Who’s that in the Rear View Mirror? Dealing with Tailgaters

a car tailgating a van

Give people space. Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule. And have you seen how much braking distances are impacted by the wet, snow and ice? Doesn’t matter. People still love to tailgate.

However much of a rush you might be in, this is annoying at best, and at worst, downright dangerous. And could lead to a severe crash if someone has to brake suddenly. So what’s the safest and most sane way to deal with tailgating drivers?  

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Don’t Leave Home without it – Breakdown Survival Kit Checklist

car breakdown survival kit

Your breakdown survival kit. We’ve touched on this in previous blogs, however it’s such an important thing to have in the back of your vehicle, we decided to go into more detail. Many people like to check their car regularly for underlying faults and issues, and take their vehicle for periodic services. However, unfortunately no matter of forethought  can stop a breakdown from happening regardless of the season.

No one wants to be in a breakdown, but sometimes it inevitably happens to the best of us. In such an event an in-car survival kit will be a godsend. So what should you put in your kit?

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Speed Camera Behaviours: Mechanism or Myth

speed camera

You’re sitting in your car, driving along. A flash goes off. You instantly know what it means as you quickly glance down to the speedometer. You know an automatic letter is winging its way out to you in the post. Could be a fine, points on your license. Or worse a court date.

Speed cameras are put in place to ensure drivers stick to the required speed limit. Drivers that go too fast are dangerous, as reaction times are reduced. However, there are many misconceptions about how these cameras work. So what is fact and what is firmly fantasy?

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What to Do If You Hit a Parked Car

parked car been damaged

Most of us have done it. With the tight constraints of some modern car parks, coupled with some serious bad parking, it’s all too easy to give a little nudge or ding to another parked car and damage its wing, bumper or door mirror. You don’t want to be one of those people who simply runs off. It’s illegal for a start. So what can you do to start righting this roadside wrong?

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Driving Tired – When Drowsy Equals Danger

tired driver

Driving drunk is a big no-no. Many people won’t drive when ill. But you may be shocked to find out that driving when you’re tired can be almost as dangerous.

With one in six crashes now being linked to driver fatigue, this is too significant a problem not to notice. As police can’t check for tiredness with a simple breath test – as with alcohol – it’s up to us all to ensure that we don’t get behind the wheel when we should be hitting the hay.

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What to Do if You Have a Car Accident?

reporting a car accident

No one wants to have a crash. But as the saying goes accidents do happen. And the more you’re out on the road, the more likely it is that you’ll either make an error of judgement, or perhaps be on the receiving end of someone else’s.

If you are involved in a crash the number one rule is to stay calm and cool. It’s a high pressure situation where people are likely to be shocked, scared and even a little angry. However, with some  preparation and fore-knowledge it’s possible to make this bad situation more than bearable. Consider the following information:

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How to Spot a Cut and Shut Car

how to spot a cut and shut car

 Over the years we’ve mentioned the dreaded cut and shut job many times. From the selling tricks of dodgy dealers to spotting cloned cars. Although this problem was more prevalent when there was less information and checks available to keep sellers and mechanics honest about this dastardly practice, it hasn’t disappeared completely. 

Accidently buying a cut and shut unknowingly is disastrous. Not only is it illegal for someone to sell you a reconditioned write-off, but it is incredibly dangerous to the driver, any passengers and other road users. If it is involved in a crash it will literally fall apart. How can you avoid this potential catastrophe by spotting a cut and shut before you buy?

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