Tag Archives: safety

The Best Methods to Help You Spot a Clocked Car

Speedo clock in a car

In days gone by sellers would rip off car buyers by winding back the mechanical odometer using a number of techniques. This is a process that’s more commonly known as clocking. In the past it would often leave tell-tale marks like screwdriver scratches on the dash or the numbers in the meter not quite lining up.

With the event of digital and electronic odometers, you might think that this practice has all but ended, but actually clocking is on the rise, and now with the range of electronic systems that can be used to alter mileage – it’s more prevalent than ever.

What can you do to make sure that you’re not a victim of this deceitful selling practice?

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Our 10 Most Annoying Driving Habits

Annoyed driver

Getting irate behind the wheel of your car is never a good thing, but sometimes people act so erratically and stupid there is no other response than to get a little vexed. There are mistakes that drivers make that are accidental, and there are others that can only be interpreted as downright treachery. In this article we take a good look at some of the worst driving habits you’ll find on the UK’s roads today.

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Tips for Safe Driving at Night

car driving at night

So far this year we have told you how to replace your headlight bulbs to make sure you have full brightness on the road. Now it’s time for us to look at how to make sure you’re safe when behind the wheel and the sun has gone off on its merry way.

There may be less traffic about at night but unfortunately this darkened time is when most of the accidents happen. This is because of reduced visibility and increased difficulty in judging speed and distance when the light is poor.

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Our Guide to Motorway Driving

busy motorway

Getting out there on the motorway for the first time or even if it has been a while can be daunting. With the constant flow of traffic, it takes time to get used to the constant changing lanes and big trucks if you are only acclimatised to our single lane roads. However you can consult our guide for newbies to help you out.

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The 6 Deadly Sins: Bad Driving Practices

deadly sins signpost

Cars are undoubtedly rather expensive. You might do all the right things in terms of servicing and regular maintenance, but if you have bad habits on the road you could be wasting all that expenditure. Laziness and carelessness are not only dangerous behaviour behind the wheel, but lack of due attention could cause your car to wear out faster and make you into a hazard for other road users.

Of course, nobody is perfect, so here is our list of the 6 deadly sins. Each one appertains to some of the main parts in your vehicle and the behaviours that cause all the problems.

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How to Use the Hard Shoulder

broken down on the hard shoulder

What is the hard shoulder? It’s that strip of concrete that runs parallel to the lanes on the motorway that no-one uses for driving, not even when the traffic is stacked and packed in a jam. The surface area is indicated by a solid white line and it gives drivers of all vehicles, even lorries, enough space to pull over and not disturb other traffic in the event of an emergency.

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Car Dashboard Warning Lights Explained

Car warning lights

Not everyone who drives a car can be a mechanical whizz. And let’s face it, the days of lifting your car up on ramps at the weekend and having a tinker under the hood are on their way out, with many vehicles having extensive computer control systems.

Fortunately, car designers have provided a way for every motorist to know what’s happening around the car regardless of their vehicular knowledge – the dashboard lights. But what does each light mean and what action should you take when the light illuminates on your dash?

In this article, we look at each type of dashboard light ranging from those that present a dire warning if avoided through to those that are less urgent. Use this guide to get acquainted with each type of light so you can understand the implications, should it become illuminated. 

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Car Safety Tips for Children

Baby On Board

It is an accepted fact that cars are extremely dangerous places for both drivers and passengers. Over the years there have been a number of campaigns to get drivers and passengers to take more responsibility for their safety, including government drives to get people wearing their seat belts. However, most of the safety systems in cars are designed with adult users in mind, even though a large percentage of car owners also drive their children around. What can we do to make our vehicles safer for the younger generations?

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Dangers Of Using Smart-Phones Whilst Driving

Texting and talking while driving


According to a survey conducted by the IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) in March 2012, using a Smart-Phone whilst driving caused 1,690 accidents between 2006-2010. Of this number 110 were fatal, although police believe these figures are actually higher, as there is often no way to check if a driver was using their phone at the time of an accident. With more and more of the UK population owning one of these high-power pocket computers, surely this number is sadly only set to rise. The same report estimates that drivers who use phones Continue reading