Tag Archives: servicing

My Car is Squealing: When Do I need to Start Worrying?

car making a squealing noise graphic

Your car is making a squealing noise. What’s the problem? Unfortunately, there are many parts in your car that can start squeaking over time as they get worn out. However, with the help of this article you’ll be able to identify those that require urgent attention, hopefully preventing any minor fault in your vehicle turning into a major issue.

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Disproved: Popular Car Maintenance Myths

mechanic carrying out vehicle maintenance

As car’s become more advanced, some of the older rules that were applicable to car maintenance schedules are no longer true. However, because many of these are passed around via word of mouth, they can take quite a time to disappear from common culture.

Follow the wrong advice, and there’s a real-life implication. You could find yourself stumping up cash for unnecessary costs or reducing your vehicle’s performance. Worse still you could end up doing some serious damage to car parts that leaves you requiring replacements, and a mechanic’s bill for labour.

What are some of the best-known car maintenance myths that are simply no longer true?

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Don’t Ignore These 9 Signs that Your Car Needs a Service

Mechanic performing a service on a car

Cars are complex, technical machines that needs to be properly looked after. Part of any maintenance schedule should be regular service checks, where parts can be inspected and changed if necessary. Whilst some services, particularly for more high-end vehicles, can be expensive, they will save you money in the long run, preventing breakdowns, and increasing your chances of passing an MOT.

So, if you’re wondering about those strange noises or some weird car behaviour, then this is the list for you. And if you’re currently on a tight budget, and don’t want to drop money on a service for no reason, then use this list to check for where issues could be getting to the point where avoiding a service could potentially cost you more…

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Do The Shake: Why Your Car is Juddering…

a man checking his juddering car

A judder is a jerking motion or shaking feeling you get behind the wheel. For example, you put your foot down and expect to move forward in a continual motion, but instead you jerk and stop. This can be a frightening experience, and your passengers won’t thank you for it either. Juddering can be caused by a number of issues and in several scenarios and should never be ignored; it’s often a sign other problems could develop in your vehicle if left unchecked. What are the various symptoms and how can you complete a little amateur diagnosis yourself?

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Look after the motor – storing your car over the winter months

storing your car in winter

The winter is hard on all of us. Reduced energy. Less happiness. And of course you may find you’re using your car less frequently than in the warm months. If you’re considering putting it into storage, then you’ll need to do it properly to avoid issues with fuel, batteries and even paintwork, and this is especially true in winter when snow can damage the car.

So whether your ride is a convenient car or a collectable classic, use the following tips to keep it fresh over the colder months, when it’s not being used…

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Why Won’t My Car Start?

turning a key to start a car

There is nothing worse than getting in the driver’s seat, sticking the key in the ignition, only to find your car won’t start. There are lots of reasons why this can happen, and unfortunately it’s a very common occurrence, happening to hundreds, if not thousands of motorists on a daily basis. From simple issues like forgetting to put fuel in the car, to more complex electrical faults – our quick guide should help you contend with some of the causes…

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Car Losing Power: Possible Causes and Culprits

Mechanic examining engine

Over the years, sitting behind the wheel of your car, you become accustomed to the way it works and its capabilities. It’s no surprise therefore, that you’ll quickly notice when your vehicle lacks the same oomph as you usually experience. A loss of power is most apparent when you’re accelerating, and can be due to a number of reasons including air flow into the engine, fuel flow and even faults with the exhaust system. So, if your vehicle is consistently putting in a sub-par performance, these could be some of the reasons why…

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Why is my car making a rattling noise?

listening to a car rattling

We’ve all been there. You’re driving down the road and there’s something not quite right with your vehicle. What’s that sound? Rattling noises are not only annoying, but they could be a little early warning sign that something else is up with your car. What are the most common causes of the rattle, and what does each one mean?

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What’s that Smell? Identifying Car Problems by Odour

woman smelling a bad smell in a car

Many people will tell you knocking sounds are indicative of the big end going. Other screeches and scrapes can tell you about the state of your brakes or the transmission. However, smells are often an underrated method of homing in on car problems that can allow you to suss out the fact your car has a problem, before it becomes a serious issue.

Interestingly enough the mind has no olfactory memory. We can recreate sounds, tastes and even visions in our brains. But not smells. This means that smell can be a powerful, unmissable indicator of problems, and there’s usually no arguing with a whiff in the air. Especially if other passengers can detect it too. So what are the odours you need to be aware of – and more importantly, what do they mean?

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Under Car Leaks Identification Guide

identifying car leaks

No one wants a leaky vehicle. However some leaks can be very revealing, helping you spot early signs of damage and danger to your engine and your car’s fluid systems – such as the brakes, power steering and transmission. Most leaks will appear under the car as patches of different coloured fluids. If you do spot a leak – what does it mean and what systems do you need to check?

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