All parts are purchased from independent suppliers, so parts must be returned to them direct and NOT to BreakerLink.
The item must be returned in the same condition you received it (i.e. item not dismantled or parts removed).
Ensure the item is well packaged to avoid damage in transit, as you are responsible for the items condition and safe delivery.
Check with the supplier for the correct address to return the item to and always include your BreakerLink reference number.
If you cannot remember who you purchased from, please
check your quote emails/texts or login online.
Ensure to include inside your parcel a note detailing who the item has been returned
from and the BreakerLink BL reference number from your parts request. Also attach
your from address onto the parcel in case the item does not get delivered to its
destination so it can be returned to you.
Finally, ensure you send the item via a signed for tracked service which will provide you with facility
to confirm receipt of goods by the supplier. Obtain a receipt for proof of postage. We would also advise
to take out cover/insurance to protect you against damage or loss.